FIRST OF ALL I'd like to point out affordable shampoos and conditioners. Personally, I've tried out many types of conditioners, including high end ones. However, I BELIEVE that these work just as well.
Recently, I've cut my hair, and short hair is the best thing ever. I chopped off about four inches, so my hair is shoulder length. The beauty of short hair is that it's easy to manage, and in my opinion, looks fresh and polished.
I'm not all for the messy Alexa Chung curls, which she does rock, since I try to minimize as much heat as possible. I wash my hair about every 3 days, but before you freak, I shower everyday, I just don't wash my hair because every time you shampoo, you are stripping it of your natural oils, and it deteriorates hair after a while. I also don't dye my hair, so it's all natural, but if you are looking for a different color, try lemon juice. Just simply apply juice to strands of hair, and step outside and soak up the sunshine for about an hour. The UV rays from the sun are able to soak deep into the hair that way, bleaching it naturally. I believe deeply in keeping everything natural, and I never put any products in my hair, since it can cause build up.
Since I dislike heavy and oil stripping shampoo, I use the Pantene Aqua Shampoo that contains no sulfates, and it's light, so it'll give you lots of volume. Sulfate shampoo rids the hair of gunk, while keeping it healthy.
For conditioner, I love using Dove and coconut based products. I find that you do need conditioner in your roots or the scalp, since it keeps it at a healthy level of moisture without letting the scalp dry off and flake or having over oily hair. If you add a little bit of conditioner, it keeps your hair looking healthy.
Now that it's Spring, I love the idea of bohemian hair bands with flowers and braids. Of course, it would look gorgeous if you had long hair, and you can experiment with lots of accessories. Bows have an element of girlishness and I recommend it if you're dressing up.
PS. I'll be back
Great selection! That braid is literally adorable!
Thanks so much