I'd like to start off with the fact that I'm really sorry for not posting in such a long time. So Today, I've thought of a cute yet fun post, starring my best friend, nail polish. So Essie has been a long time favorite of mine, since they are exceptional quality and you can purchase them at so many places. I also love the creative names they've come up for the shades, and how many they are. I chose some colors that I thought were fit for Spring.

The color next to it on the right is a bubblegum pink, and it resembles a very girly pink, almost barbie like. This color reminds me of the cherry blossoms, and it's a spectacular color for the season. The colors true name is Madison Ave-Hue, which is perfect for it's New York Vibe.
If you look down to the left, you see a gorgeous pink. You may think it's the same as the one before, but it's actually different. This one makes me think about cotton candy, and it seems a couple of shades lighter than the last. I love this nail polish and it's my favorite out of the whole collection. I think this baby pink really compliments every outfit. The name of this polish is Tart Deco.
Let's skip to the blue nail polish in the blue frame. Immediately, I thought of the beach, or a nice clear blue sky. This color reminds me of the ocean because of how rich it is, and how lovely this looks on nails. It also reminds me of the sky because this brings back memories of how much I cherish good weather days. The name of this shade is avenue maintain.
Last but not least, we have a grasshopper green. This color looks great on all nails, do to how deep and rich in color it is. I also loved how gold looked so nice with it. This color can be worn any season since it also reminds me of Christmas, yet it is also wearable for spring.
I also recommend adding a base coat before you apply any nail polish. This can protect your real nails. A special treatment you can do to pamper nails is applying some olive or almond oil to them and then wash off.
Adding a top coat can secure your whole look, and prevent from cracking. Top coats also provide a nice glossy shine. If you prefer matte nails, watch this video I found. Like she said in the video, "lighting two candles with one flame". You can make use of steam, and it's more Earth Friendly and affordable.
I hope you enjoy Spring and I wish you all a HAPPY EASTER!