
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day to Night Christmas outfits #5

Hi everyone. I know I did not post yesterday, and I feel really bad. I wasn't able to surf the Internet because my WI-Fi was not working. Right now, I've decided that I will put in the past, so we will skip #4. Don't worry, there will be a surprise later on.

Today's post will be about.........................drum roll please.......
 Christmas outfits
This is a really long post; you have been warned. However, it's a special.
Are you visiting your family this winter? Are you stuck on what you want to wear? Fear no more, I'm finally here.

Of course, the classic holiday outfit during daytime is pajamas! Of course we think of presents the moment we wake up, as we head down the stairs, however, here is a daytime look if you decide to go somewhere:)My four top Christmas outfits
Outfit no.1:
A fantastic Christmas look starts here. This outfit brings out more of the floral patterns in a gorgeous look. We start off with a plain white sweater with mistletoe on the upper part. The sweater is very comfy and I paired them with floral bottoms. I really like these skinny jeans because they have patterns on them, instead of just one solid color. To tie the outfit together with some lace up booties. These are high heels, and they have laces along with lace detailing. I really like this outfit, and it's quite casual.
Outfit no.2:
For the laid back one; I chose this big and roomy sweater since I really like the design and style. I don't think that we need to wear a tight sweater since Christmas is all about the relaxation. I also really like the moose, since they remind me most of this holiday season. I paired this with a pair of creamy white skinny jeans. I added a pair of red converse, since they go with everything. If you don't own a pair, any sneaker will do, but I highly recommend them. This is perfect if you are lounging around or you don't have much planned.
Outfit no.3:
I really like this outfit, since it doesn't only include the colors. Christmas colors are mostly red and green. From the past two outfits, I included white, which is also a fantastic color since not everything has to be red and green in order to be considered a Christmas Outfit. I chose a grey cropped sweater with snowflakes. This sweater is high in the front and low in the back, which is very "trendy" this season. I added a pair of red jeans, which totally goes great with the outfit. I added a bold grasshopper green pair of boots. I like these boots, since this green is really bright.
Outfit no.4:
I chose of course, a red knit sweater. I love this sweater, since it's more for the dressy kind. I added a pair of mint green skinny jeans of course. I really like these jeans, since they have a special effect on them. I added a pair of loafers. I know mustaches are in, but why not eyelashes? I think they are super cute.

Below, I have a night look if you are sitting down for a feast or dinner. I think that these are very elegant and chic.
Christmas, night look

Outfit no.1:
For the ultimate classy look, I chose a red peter pan collar top. I really like the color, and the skinny black belt makes it look even better. I added these shiny leather shoes, and I really like this shade of green. I also adore it because of the wooden pump at the bottom. Without the boost at the bottom, the heel isn't that high. Wearing this is like getting the height but not the pain. For jewelry, I chose a pair of red dangly earrings, since this dress doesn't really need a necklace due to the collar. I added this very fancy clutch, which I think is a masterpiece. This really brings out every aspect of the holidays and Christmas.

Outfit no.2:
This outfit proves that red is good on it's own; I chose a white lace dress, with a three quarter sleeve, which reminds me of Kate Middleton. She really wears a lot of these dresses with these sleeves. I added a pair of bold red pumps, which add a pop of color. These shoes are really classy, and they go great with the outfit. I added a nude colored clutch, with diamond detailing. I like the detailing, since it makes it much more "unique"
I didn't think that this dress required a necklace, so I added these elegant red rose earrings. I think they are the perfect jewelry piece, with it's design and look. If your ears aren't pierced, that's perfectly fine. The outfit is stunning itself.

Outfit no.3:
Grasshopper greens are just the loveliest colors I see. The color is very bright, since I'm not that into dark colors. I also like it because it isn't that bright like neon. The dress is a strapless bow dress. It's very simple, but it's also classy. I added a pair of lace shoes, which really look nice. I love lace and I also like how this bow makes it look even better. I chose a golden clutch, and it's very fancy with the sequins. To finish the outfit off, I added a pair of big round studs.

What Christmas means to me: Christmas is more then just the presents, or days off from work and school. Christmas means celebrating a holiday with your loved ones, and cherishing the life you have. It's all about the love and the thanks we can give. It's very similar to Thanksgiving, but different in many ways. I feel that Christmas is much deeper then the presents. It all comes from the Heart.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and comment below! I wish you an early Happy Holidays!


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