
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas countdown #6: Wishlists

            Hello Everyone!!
So, can you believe that Christmas is rapidly approaching. It seemed like yesterday was thanksgiving and the week before was Halloween. With Halloween being rescheduled due to Hurricane Sandy, it seems like everything is coming at us too quickly. Well, I'd like to ask you guys a question; What's on your Christmas Wish list? Anything you expect from Santa? Leave them in the comments below.
If you wanted to know........... I'm not that sure.
I really don't know what I could possibly want, since I have to admit my room is overflowing with things I have. I have pretty much everything I could ask for. However, with Christmas around the corner, I've got to make up my mind.
   So, instead of focusing on what I want, I want to focus on what I have that I'm pretty grateful for:
1. Enough clothes to last me my life. I have a lot of items that I've never gotten around to, along with things I have lost( yikes) It's just an overwhelming amount, and I feel grateful because some people don't even have enough to last them a week. In many places around the world, the kids don't even have a pair of shoes, or a nice warm winter jacket. The picture to the right is very popular. This policeman asked this homeless man why he didn't have shoes. The police man was from New York City. He was dressed in full uniform and found it cold. It turned out that the man never owned a pair of shoes or socks in his life. Doing the right thing, the policeman bought him a pair of shoes and socks. I thought that was a heartwarming story.
2. A roof over my head
During Hurricane Sandy, many lives have been lost. I'm grateful for being here right now. Many homes have been lost. First, I thought of the Hurricane as a break, since I had a week off. I lost power for 11 hours, and that was quite frightening. Nothing destroyed me, but I realized some of my classmates lost power even longer. I know nowadays many people depend on Wi-Fi to survive and electricity. It was sort of torturous, with the fact that Internet was disabled. However, when I saw that many houses in different parts of the state had destruction to their houses, I realized that I was luckier than many of them. It was a life threatening situation, and I'm glad I survived it.
3. Education
When I spend my time learning, I know that this time was spent productively. Some kids around the world can't afford education. I'm lucky to be in school, and spending my time at school. I know some of us hate school, which I don't understand. School is like air; you need it to survive. Having another fact in your brain really expands your world. It helps you understand what's going on, and communicate with others. The truth is, this blog is for my English Class, but I think of it differently. I think blogging is fun, I can communicate with others. I'm not just doing this to pass, I'm actually doing it for pleasure. I know many kids are going to forget about their blog the moment summer vacation begins. I'm not that person. Another reason I like education is because of setting my standards as a student. The moment you step into that door and you take a deep breath, your future awaits you. For Christmas, I can't wish for an "A" because I have to work for it.
4. Food
Having the ability to come home with a warm meal and a drink is quite fortunate. Many people out there don't have food and others don't even have a variety of food. I buy lunch at school, so I have many options. At home, I eat something different for breakfast and Dinner. I'm fortunate enough to have milk. With food, there are probably a million reasons why, and it's true.
5. The ability to do extra curricular activities
It's nice enough to go to school, but the fact that I can do extra is even better. I take French and Chinese, which is a big deal since learning languages can make a big impact. It'll help you apply for college, and it also opens your world, especially when it comes to traveling. I know a bit of Spanish, too, but having 2 other languages other than English is phenomenal. I also play soccer which has been a great experience. It made me experience what it felt like to sweat and be on a team. It also made me cherish the sport, since it was quite fun. I never knew what it was like to be an athlete. I saved the best for last; piano and violin. I play piano, and since I've been to Carnegie Hall, I've realized I was special. Playing at Carnegie Hall is a once in a chance lifetime. Many famous musicians and singers have performed there. Since the lessons are quite expensive, along with the piano, I realized that I needed to work hard and train myself. I couldn't "wing it" and I devoted almost my whole life to it. In school, I take violin. I'm in the school orchestra and not many others take it. Most kids chose art, chorus and band. I really have a love and passion for classical music. I realized it was different than playing piano. With piano, it was solo. Now, I have to blend in and stay together, I'm thankful to play in concerts at school and live life the way I do now.

I can't tell you everything that I have, or feel grateful for, because it would go on forever. I can tell you that I have pretty much everything I could ask for, and those were just some of the basics. So, if you read this Santa, I just want to live the life I have now. I don't need anything under the tree.



  1. Wow that Blog Post was excellent and so informative! Is it ok if I use the countdown like yours too but just the countdown to Christmas.

  2. Sure, I don't mind at all. I'm not the only blog that does this.


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