
Monday, January 14, 2013

Hit the Gym

The most common New Years resolutions are diet wise. Most women are hitting the gym, but only a few know how to do style.  This also can be related if you have Gym class, and you just need some help. Here are some must haves, that are included in my opinion.Hit the Gym must haves
When it comes to work out gear, consider Pink by Victoria's Secret as your #1 destination. They include a whole section dedicated to the Gym. I recommend that you wear any old tshirt, and it's good to throw one on after the work out. You don't want to get sick either. One tip that I can say should be in the rule book are yoga pants. Not only are these too comfortable, they always seem in style. It's not baggy, and it's very convenient when you are exercising, and nothing will distract you. For shoes, I mainly recommend Nike's, and not converse. When it comes to exercise, you want to do it properly, and converses can result in twisting an ankle or getting hurt. They also help you improve, since it also makes your feet comfortable! You sure don't see any professional sports players wearing converses on the field! It's also okay to wear shorts, just make sure it follows a dress code.

When it comes to the gym, a duffel bag will become your loyal companion, and many duffel bags include convenient pockets, which will allow you to access everything easily. The number one product you could take to the Gym is some lotion. I think that scented ones are really helpful if you tend to sweat, which is perfectly normal. Another thing that you just can't leave the house without is a water bottle. You have to keep hydrated, and it'll make you feel better, like a best friend. You can also fill it up with Gatorade, which is a really good sports drink if you do any sports. When it comes to scents and perfume, make sure the container is plastic, not glass. I prefer mists since perfume can be really heavy sometimes. Choose a scent you'll love, and everyone else will like it too. If you feel uncomfortable or you wear make up, a nice thing to do is by a sweat blotter, which will remove a lot of oils from your skin. I find this really useful, since you always want to start with a fresh face. Since the flu has been going around, hand sanitizer is a must have, it will protect you from germs, and sometimes it's better for your skin instead of washing your hands with soap. Soap tends to dry your skin sometimes. Another thing that isn't shone is deodorant, I know almost everyone owns one, and it keeps you feeling clean.

Here is a video I found on how to do your hair for Gym, if you want to spice up a ponytail.

Victoria s Secret zip hoody

Victoria s Secret printed shirt

Victoria s Secret printed shirt

Hollister co

Victoria's Secret slim fit pants

Victoria s secret

Nike shoes

Victoria s Secret fragrance

Face cleanser

Body moisturizer

Body moisturizer

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