
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Animal week

                Theme for this week: Animal friendly and stylish at the same time

" so cute so don't hurt them"
Isn't it getting cold out there. The fall days are here and all you really want is a nice hot glass of Hot cocoa. I live for Fall because I love being cozy and I love the colors of the leaves. I also like fall because I really like school( Okay, I 'm weird) However, you can't wear shorts and a t-shirt outside. You need to get down into style.

 For fall, fur is very important to every outfit. Fur will keep any human from freezing into a Popsicle. If you are a animal lover just like me, you would wear faux fur. Faux fur is not real fur but it looks just as good. However, make sure you get one that looks normal( Not too fake). You would be so surprised about all the different types of fur they have in this world. Fur can get really expensive sometimes. I once saw the price tag for a fur jacket and it cost $5,000.

I love animals because it wouldn't be Earth without them. I would do anything to protect them. If you love them too, comment about what your favorite animal is

                - Beauty Queen 


  1. Polar bears are my favorite animal. Was very glad to see a couple of them as the mascots for your post! My puppy loves to cuddle up to things made of faux fur. That's another benefit to wearing it.

    1. Thanks for commenting. I love polar bears, too. They are just the cutest animals around. I wish I had a dog though. I've always wanted one.

  2. I have lived in the country all my life and I am used to animals showing up dead. Because of that I don't have a problem with real fur. I don't believe that we should create animal farms just to get the fur. Pretty complicated issue though.

    The other side is I don't really like the look of faux fur. Perhaps it is how cheap much of it looks. I am not sure I have ever seen really well done fakes.

    Mr. C

    1. My uncle lives in Minnesota. It's so nice near the country and there are so many animals that I have seen. However, it kills me that people would kill them or that they would just show up dead. I also know that faux fur isn't perfect. No one can make a perfect fake.


  3. I agree. I don't like to wear real fur (although I admit I still wear leather, and that's just as bad). They've come such a long way with faux fur, too. Sometimes, you can't even tell the difference by looking at it.

    The moment for me when I realized how awful real fur clothing is was when I was fishing around a pair of shoes and and found a rabbit fur purse I had received as a gift years before. It felt just like my pet bunny, Cluck. Imagining someone making him into a purse made me sad :(

    1. I agree, hurting animals is not such a great thing to do. I like to eat meat sometimes, but when I thought of where it came from, I felt really regretful. Humans wouldn't want animals to treat them the way we treat them.


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