
Monday, October 29, 2012

Rainy Day Outfits

    Rainy Day Outfit Inspirations
Since rain is hitting hard here because of Hurricane Sandy, I decided that I should do a post about rainy day fashion. However, if it's raining really hard right now, don't go outside.
 Rainy Day outfits are hard to perfect, and they have many different styles.
 Red Valentino

If your more of the girly type, you'll fall in love with this outfit. There are many coats out there, and most people tend to wear a puffer jacket. However, I find that they are not the best choice. A pea coat on the other hand, will suit your style. They add an elegant touch and the long ones look great with dresses. A pea coat usually is made out of a thick material, so they work great in the winter too. If you like a lighter material, trenches are awesome. The material is made especially for rainy days. They look like pea coats, but only made with a lighter material.

If you really like wearing pants and you don't like dressing up, a windbreaker jacket is perfect.

Basket Weave Scarf
 Juicy Couture
 Michael Kors
For Shoes, The most exciting, I prefer rain boots. If they really don't suit you, some boots will. I like rain boots because they come in every style in every color. I have a pair that are not just any yellow, but when I wear them, they look like bananas. For rain boots, they are much more comfortable because you don't have to worry about them getting dirty because they were made for rain. However, if you do wear regular boots, don't wear Uggs. I don't recommend them for rainy days.

The trick for rainy day weather is the assesories. Adding a bow to your hair might just do the trick, and if it's cold outside, a scarf might tie the look together. If it's really cold outside, a nice thick scarf might keep you cozy. If it's not that cold, you might add a light scarf for decoration. I would also add a hat that can really protect your head, especially if you want to protect your hair. Most important, don't forget your umbrella!

 - Beauty Queen
Keep Safe and stay safe

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Vera Wang

                      Vera Wang

Vera Wang is a Chinese fashion designer. She is most known for her collection of beautiful bridal gowns. Her fashion is based on what she likes herself, not what others think. This comes to play with what she did last year. She introduced the black bridal gown. Many people know that bridal gowns are supposed to be white, but not for Vera. Vera also designs normal clothing along with, perfume, home decor, shoes, and she also has a line in Kohl's.

With Wedding dresses, they are very important to your family. If Grandma wore a tablecloth on her wedding day, it would be a family heirloom. Vera has great ideas about what to wear, especially since her ideas are beautiful. Many celebrities have worn them on their wedding days.

Perfume- You would not believe how good her perfume smells like. I once went to sephora when I saw the prettiest bottle ever. It was Vera Wang Princess, and it was a light purple color. I sprayed it on my hand, hoping that the bottle was not just a cover up. When I sniffed it, I could not describe how good it smelled.

Normal- Some of the best fashion shows in the world are Vera Wang's. The clothes really look good on the models and they are really unique. As the same with many other designers, you would probably realize that most of these are meant to be on the runaway. You wouldn't wear a look like this except for a really special event. The styles will blow your mind away because fashion is all about the creativity. Ideas turn into, material, shape, style and it's very important to always have new ideas. Vera Wang is an overall good fashion designer. Visit her  . She also has a line called Simply Vera Wang. It's only at Kohl's and it's very inexpensive.

-Beauty Queen



With Halloween almost here..........
The most glamorous holiday of all is Halloween. You can be whatever you what and whoever you want. There are many cute costumes out there too that you will fall in love with. However, I prefer a homemade style instead. There are many things in your closet that you can put together to make the perfect costume.

If you are looking for some costume ideas, here are some that are the ones on my top list:
1. Nerd
2. Zombie
3. A devil

NERDS RULE: For Halloween, I will most likely be a nerd. The costume is so cool because I love suspenders. Suspenders are a great accessory and it's a must have for a nerd. Also, they come in many colors and styles so you are guaranteed to find some that you love. Another reason is that the glasses are simply adorable. They look cool and stunning and they come in every color possible. The costume itself doesn't need to be bought. You can find the clothing items from your closet. It's very inexpensive and it's also a fun look. Here is a video by Macbarbie07. She has some great ideas about fashion and this nerd tutorial is amazing.

Zombie Attack: A lot of people like zombie costumes because they are scary. You can get very creative about this and it's really a fun costume. You can basically find an old plain shirt and rip it and pair them with some torn jeans. However, the most exciting part is the make up. Many zombies require black lipstick, something that you would probably never wear on normal days. Also you add some fake blood and the costume will turn out fantastic. In fact, people will not even realize that you are a real human.

A devil: I really like the idea of this costume because the horns are simply adorable. They add a special touch and there are lots of accessories. All you really need for this costume is some red. The costume can easily come out of your closet. Just make sure everything is red and add all the decorations you want.


 - Beauty Queen

Be creative

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Faux Pas

              Faux pas- People make lots of mistakes. There's a simple way to ignore them. 
When I think of mistakes, I think of getting less than 100 on a test. However, there are many ways we can make mistakes. For fashion, I hate it when people criticize what others are wearing. Hey, what if all you did was follow someone around all day? That would be boring right. In fashion you can only be right if you follow your heart. If you really like something, then it was meant to be. If you like sketchers and everyone is wearing converse, don't be afraid. Many girls I know want to impress someone. Also, I see many girls who are wannabe pops. All they do is follow around the populars and they think that they really like them. However, they are really just taking advantage of you. Whatever they say is a command to you and you treat the kids that the "populars" like to bully the same way. When you are part of that gang that bullies, you are a bully too. Most people won't listen to me, but they'll realize that they have wasted their lives on them later. I believe that the reason why we are humans is that we make mistakes and learn from them. If you've ever made a mistake, fix it. Remember, life is so short and limited. Why not fix your mistakes. It's all about you're style and you can be anything you want. Here is a song and also the song of the week. Be strong and I hope the music will inspire you. Face problems and don't run away.

    -Beauty Queen 

Against bullying and wants to be a true person. I dare you to be yourself and wear something that you have never worn because you were afraid on monday. Take the challenge.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Casual Week

Put on your seat belts because this week is going to be exciting.    
I think that simple and casual will be the best theme ever because it's most important to be casual at times.

Since we all want to have an effortless comfy look,sweatpants are a big deal. Most people will think that sweatpants are ugly and they don't go good with anything , however you would be surprised.

Girls Hollister Classic Yoga Pants$15 on sale)
Girls Marina Park Tee$8)
Price depends
To start off this glamorous look, start off with a plain tshirt of your favorite color. Your T shirt can say anything about you but I really like ones that have words. For pants, sweatpants are really comfortable. They are so much better than jeans and it's a great way to be simple and casual. Usually, pick any color that you like, but make sure it doesn't clash with the color of your tshirt. Yoga pants work great, too if you want a more formal look for sweatpants. Now, for the most exciting part, add your favorite shoes. I used to love wearing sneakers with outfits like this, until I realized that Uggs look great with this look too. You would be surprised to see what goes with this outfit. However, Uggs can get expensive sometimes, so any type of boot will work. I also think that Bearpaws are just as good. To finish this look off, add some earmuffs or a nice warm scarf, if you'll like, add any jacket that you like for a cozy and warm touch. This look will look great in the winter, and it is a great combination of casual and cozy for fall. Just make sure you enjoy every aspect of fall!

 -Beauty Queen

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Animal Prints

             Animal Prints-

If you hate wearing solid,boring colors, animal prints could be the perfect style. Animal prints look great, especially if you love animals. I think that it will help you find your inner animal.

 For animal prints, I like them on my jeans. The plain jean is cool, but why not dazzle your outfit? In fact, they even make animal print shorts. It's a great way to look like an animal, and protect them. They make anything exciting, and no one likes boring.

I really like tigers because they are really cute and fearless. They look unique because I really like their stripes. My favorite animal at a zoo would be a tiger,too because it's interesting to watch their movement and behavior.
Many animals have unique coats. Zebras, leopards, cheetahs, and Tigers are only a few. Find your inner animal and comment about it below.

               - Beauty Queen

Beauty Queen is supporting Breast Cancer this week. You should support it, too. On Friday, I am looking forward to my Pink background celebration!

Monday, October 8, 2012


              Pink Day

Lets raise awareness!

This is a quick post, but I think that we should all support it. Everyone is suffering from it and it is taking over everyone. Let's not let them suffer! Let's win this battle!

Ways to support:

Fundraisers- our school is raising money by selling items and they are donating money to charity.  We want to find a research and wouldn't you be proud if your dollar made the difference? They also sell really cool items such as pins, pencils, t-shirts, and anything that you could imagine. If you go to the same school as me or your school is also selling these items, I encourage you to buy. Their prices are reasonable

Walk- I have never done these before, but I really want to. I heard that they have an annual walk and the money they raise will go to charity. It's great to walk because it keeps you fit and everyone walks. Why would you not do it? Walking is very easy(I do not encourage babies who can't walk to join)

Helping anyone in need- If you know anyone who has breast cancer, help them when they need it. If they need help getting around or they need someone to do some chores for them, you should do them. However, don't go overboard! Do it from your heart and let's never forget our hope and courage!

On Friday, the blog background will be pink instead of my normal template. This will only last a day and leave any stories that relate to helping anyone in need, leave them below.

                      - Beauty Queen

Animal Beauty

                             Monday Madness

For everyone Mondays are those slow days. Kids go back to school while parents go back to work. However, Mondays are exciting when you're on my blog. Every Monday, I like to dig into this week's theme. Here is this Monday's post:

                            Animal Beauty

Many animals are beautiful in their own unique way. Dolphins are magnificent creatures that leap so gracefully. It's so much fun watch them. I also really like horses. I've rode on one when I was at a country club over the summer. All the medium sized horses were taken  so I was left to ride this beautiful white Horse. It was so big that it looked like the type of that pulled carriages. We were riding on a trail in the woods and then it started raining. I really treasured that day because I really loved that Horse. Another animal that I really love are cows.  They help us because they provide us with milk and I really think that the spots are unique. Without cows, I don't know how this world would turn out.

Those were just a few animals that I love and there are so many. If you like animals, comment on your favorite one.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Animal week

                Theme for this week: Animal friendly and stylish at the same time

" so cute so don't hurt them"
Isn't it getting cold out there. The fall days are here and all you really want is a nice hot glass of Hot cocoa. I live for Fall because I love being cozy and I love the colors of the leaves. I also like fall because I really like school( Okay, I 'm weird) However, you can't wear shorts and a t-shirt outside. You need to get down into style.

 For fall, fur is very important to every outfit. Fur will keep any human from freezing into a Popsicle. If you are a animal lover just like me, you would wear faux fur. Faux fur is not real fur but it looks just as good. However, make sure you get one that looks normal( Not too fake). You would be so surprised about all the different types of fur they have in this world. Fur can get really expensive sometimes. I once saw the price tag for a fur jacket and it cost $5,000.

I love animals because it wouldn't be Earth without them. I would do anything to protect them. If you love them too, comment about what your favorite animal is

                - Beauty Queen 

Attention readers!


For my blog, I depend on you. I need to know what your honest opinion is and what you like. I want to please my readers and know that you are out there looking at my blog. Recently, my blog is becoming international so I just want to appeal to everyone. I have had 4 people from Germany, 31 from Russia, 1 from France, 1 from the United Kingdom, 3 from China, and 421 people from the United States. I was so excited to hear about this. So make sure to leave comments so I know that you have been here and share suggestions. Make sure to take the poll and follow me. I like to post daily so I guarantee that my blog won't be boring. I also love to give advice, so leave it in the comments. Thanks!

                              -Beauty Queen

Sweet treats

          This Sunday deserves a Sundae

This is how everyone ends their weekend, by Sundae. Wait sorry, I meant Sunday. However, it is great to have a Sundae themed outfit.

Probably the best Sundae is a really sweet one that will fill your taste buds with flavor and delight. My ideal sundae has gumdrops, candy and strawberry ice cream!

With a sundae themed ice cream outfit, you have to choose your outfit wisely. Pastels will look great and you will really want to make it extremely colorful. Soft colors will make a gentle yet fascinating look. I mean, who doesn't like sundaes?

For a top, I suggest a pastel pink lacy shirt or a plain blazer. That adds a feminine touch to your fantastic outfit. My favorite type of material is lace because I just love the way it feels. For pants, I suggest wearing something sparkly or colorful. If you like jeans, make it colorful or full of prints. Don't let it be plain. If you want to wear a skirt, I like sequins. Wear a pastel colored skirt with sequins so it gives you a fascinating look. For shoes, since it's getting cold outside, I like long leather boots. Brown is okay but I think that white cowboy boots will go great with those colors. If you don't like boots, Mary Jane's are fine and oxfords are too. However, I think that you should wear leggings. Any color for Mary Jane's will go great but I don't think black will look so good. The same goes with oxfords too.

The main reason fashion is fashion is because of accessories. Outfit's like this will look good if you have a nice flower in your hair. Flowers add a great touch to these types of outfits because it makes it even more girly. Whatever happens, make it colorful!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


          Happy Saturday!Sports Day!

One way I love to do is to show my team spirit. Being part of any team will make you feel confident about yourself, especially when you have great teammates. Good sportmanship is all that matters and I just love having the time of my life out there. Doing sports is great for your body, you can get fresh air, and it's your way to relax. For me, I enjoy playing soccer.

You know how everyone feels very passionate about their favorite football team? Most people will like to buy some jerseys to show their team spirit. You can feel proud to cheer for them and proud to be yourself. Recently, I ran out of shirts to wear because they were in the wash. However, a great idea occurred to me. Why not wear your soccer jersey to school? I knew that no one had the same shirt as me and I was extremely proud of myself. Whether my team wins or loses, I know that I am on that team and I try my best.

In sports, many people will look up to you. When I was watching the 2012 summer olympics, I admired all of the athletes. I knew that they had worked so hard in life and it only comes every 4 years. In sports and life, there is never a best because you have to keep on working to improve. If you stop working, everyone will catch up to you. Last year was my first year on the soccer team and I was probably one of the worst players. One goal that I had set up for myself was to improve my endurance. I wanted to be able to run like the other girls without being tired. My coaches saw that I had this problem so they gave me tips including that I will have to suffer in order to improve. I have to run longer and longer at home because I would die 5 minutes into the game. Our team also hated running laps but they made us do it. If you were the last person to come back after the waterbreak, you would have to run a lap around the entire perimeter of the field. Even though I was always the first one, I still ran with the girl who was last. Now, I can play any position and I play for the whole game( 70 minutes) without getting tired.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What Is Fun

                        What Is Fun?

Previously, I have told you about this week's theme. If you haven't read, it is FUN. Fun can have a lot of meanings, but I think that it means enjoying yourself and being the way you are. For a lot of people, fun means no school. Others think reading and math. Even video games. Well, personally, I think fun is spending quality time. I don't really like wasting my time.

Fashion is really expressive about your inner feelings. If you are sad, you may wear dull colors. If you are cheerful, you might wear neons. For me, I just have my own style. No one has the same and no one can identify your style. Everyone just knows that they are unique. So throw in that wonderful smile and keep your chin up. You are you and accept it.Everyone looks better with a smile.

First from left to right top to bottom row: Carrie Underwood. She is a very down to earth person and such a great singer. She was just an average girl before she got in American Idol. Jacqueline Kennedy: She had a great sense of style before and after she was first lady. She was very elegant and she really loved kids. Princess Diana: A great princess who has done so much for our world. She had shook hands with very sick hospital children even though others suggested that she should wear gloves. She has donated lots of money to charity and auctioned off her own clothes. Sadly, she died in a car crash in Paris, France. The Mona Lisa: A very famous piece of art. It was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. The smile is really cool and it still makes me feel like as if my eyes are tricking me. To learn more, go to my friend Sylvia's blog at
 Kate Middleton: The Princess next door. She, was just like you and me. She has a great sense of fashion and she does a lot of charity work. She even did her own make up on her wedding day and she recycles her outfits. I think that it is great that she does that because most celebrities just wear something and then they would throw it away.Michelle Obama: A great leader for women and she has also helped children exercise. She is a great first lady and she is very eduacated. I really look up to her. I am showing these pictures because they all have something in common. They have a smile.




                       Theme: Fun And Stylish

I really like fun things. They look cheerful and unique. However, you can also be stylish. Clothes are really beautiful and colorful. It's your job to bring the rainbow back.

kate spade new york 'big apple' merino wool ski hatTiered Floral SkirtAll Hail DaydreamerOrnate Monogram Velour Hoodie

   Fall is here and as you know, most people don't like fall.It's when Summer ends and everyone goes back doing their dreadful duties. However, you can be stylish and pretty. You can be fun, because fun is always in. You can do this by wearing cool colors or prints. I don't like wearing black because I think that black looks really sorrowful. Colorful clothing will cheer up your day. I like to look for really colorful materials. One material is velour, which is very soft.
    Wearing a cute hat will not only keep your head warm, but it will also make you feel full of energy and cute. Skirts are a really big deal too. You don't want to wear plain skirts. Skirts with prints will keep your outfit in shape. Also wear fun blouses with creative prints or words . I guarantee that people will read your shirt.

- Beauty Queen