Louis Vuitton is a classic bag, you see them everywhere. The iconic logo could change the complete price. The bags are usually made out of leather, and most celebrities will own one of these bags. This bag can be worn any season, and they come in different shapes and sizes.
Louis Vuitton was founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. It ranged in luxury trunks, apparel and small leather goods. In 1892, the company was passed down to his son since he died. Louis Vuitton began rising to fame when he worked with the German Nazi's during World War II. The Germans began recognizing this brand. So far, there are many stored in the world, including one on fifth avenue. Louis Vuitton also managed to hire Marc Jacobs as a fellow designer.
Reasonable or unreasonable?
The bags range in a variety of prices, from a couple hundred to a couple thousand. However, there are many reasons why you might want to buy one.
Quality ~This bag can basically survive anything. It takes fine work and skill to make one, and they take pride in work. If your bag requires some repair, Louis Vuitton has a really nice customer service, and they'll be delighted to fix it.
Matches everything~ Louis Vuitton's classic bag can be fit into any women's wardrobe, and they can be worn in any season. They are very roomy, and they look great with a dress or a pair of jeans. This way, you won't have to buy many bags to match every outfit. Technically, this could save you a lot of money. The iconic bag starts at $625.
Not much of a brand name...........
These bags have a western theme, and I think they are perfect for many seasons. They have multicolored bags, and they really match every outfit. This brand is Lucky Brand.
The brand Lucky Brand Jeans is well known for their jean styles. The jeans come in styles such skinny, flare,boot, etc. The brand was established in 1970's and they have a signature logo. Usually when you buy a product, a four leaf clover will have Lucky You or Lucky Me sewn on it. I think this brand is very unique and they are very affordable. It's still considered a great brand, and it still looks great.Lucky Brand also makes clothes for men, women, kids, toddlers, infants, and they make a wide variety of goods.
Reasons to Buy
Quality- This brand is associated with other high end brands, and they also take pride in work. Most bags are leather, and you can find a nearby store, since it's a bit hard to find a Louis Vuitton store.
Price-The price is quite reasonable, except it doesn't exactly match everything. However, you can buy more of these since they are inexpensive.
My Side- I have to think about it, but I do like good deals. I prefer a bit of a high end, since it can last me a lifetime. Although it may be slightly not affordable, but eventually, I will spend more then that on other bags, since they might break. Also, it's one less bag I can worry about, and I can finally find some Closet Space! I know the Lucky Brand one is affordable, but I'd rather save up for a bag that could last me a lifetime.
Top Five reasons to buy these Bags
Louis Vuitton
~Saves Space
~Lot's of celebrities own one
Lucky Brand
~Still Brand Name
~easy to buy
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